Friday, March 22, 2013

Running Away

No... not me--the culprit would be my strong-willed Sadie Sue!  I had to take pictures of these suit cases and this note to text my mom and sister.  Why?  Because my sister Jessica used to run away all the time!  They both assured me it wouldn't be the last time.  Jessica also pointed out that she didn't actually pack a suitcase--although if she would have, it probably would have been similar to Sadie's 2 HUGE suitcases full of stuff.  She did however always write my mom notes like this one.... 
 I'm not sure why she was running away and I am sure that they are right--it probably won't be the only time she tries this.  The "sorry" note came later that night--she also made me a princess crown and a ring out of pipe cleaners.
"I'm sorry for what I said before because that wasn't true."

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