Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Birthday to Macey!

February 15:  Macey is three years old!  I still hardly believe it...With Sadie and Kinnick I felt like 3 was a difficult age... so far Macey is still pretty "easy".  She is showing us a bit more independence at times (aka--temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way or wants to do something all by herself) and she can also be sassy but she's still very much our "sweetie pete"!  Her birthday this year fell on a Friday.  We started our day with birthday cinnamon rolls (shaped like hearts with red frosting and sprinkles!)  We sang to Macey and let her blow out a candle on her cinnamon roll...



For lunch Kinnick, Macey, and I met daddy at McDonald's.  We don't always get happy meals so that was a special treat.  They had fun in the play land as well!  (They were both good about not telling Sadie but it didn't take her long to spot the new Hello Kitty toy and ask where it came from... nothing gets by Sadie!)

Friday night was a busy one--we had small group and Family Reading Night at Sadie's school.  We split up--the boys went to group and us girls enjoyed Reading Night.  It was a camping theme--they got to wear their p.j.'s and have s'mores with a campfire sing along.  They also had the book fair so the girls each got a new book (we picked one out for Kinnick also!)

We had Valentine mini-cakes and birthday cake ice cream the next day to celebrate our sweet girl!  Love her so much...

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