Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training...

So I decided some time ago that I would give it a shot at potty training during my spring break. After our mini-trip to St. Louis, I planned to basically camp out at home and try Sadie in underpants. I didn't really have any expectations going into the process--I committed to trying for at least 3 days and if it was going horribly, we would take a break until summer.

On our way home Tuesday, we stopped at Wal-Mart to let Sadie pick out another pack of underwear. (She got Princess undies in her Easter basket.) She picked Elmo undies. I also let her pick out some motivation treats... She ended up with pink marshmallows, freeze pops, and the all-time favorite--suckers! (We also had an abundance of Easter candy to add to the mix)

Tuesday night before bed, we let her baby doll (Emmy) put on some undies and try to use the potty. Sadie was thrilled when Emmy peed and got a sucker as her reward.

Wednesday morning we put on some undies...

And had an exhausting day! I could not believe that one little girl could pee so many times! She had 10 accidents and went potty 4 times. I felt like I was living in the bathroom. I thought 4 successes was pretty good for our first day, so on to day 2.
I had gotten Sadie this little Dora water jug at the dollar store awhile back and saved it for a special time. We broke it out and filled it with juice/water so she could drink a lot. Day 2 was easier, but more discouraging. She only had 4 accidents, but no peeing on the potty... I was encouraged that she was holding it longer, but disappointed that we spent so much time on the potty with no success.

Friday and Saturday were somewhat better. She went on the potty twice both days and had 2 accidents. Her babysitter was very willing to work with her so I decided to give it another week to see if she gets the hang of it. Sunday was hard with church in the morning and me having a Pampered Chef show in the afternoon. We've only been using pull-ups when we're going to be in the car/out of the house for longer than 15 minutes. (We've been using diapers at nap and bedtime.) Today was day 2 at the sitter's and she had 1 accident each day and went several times on the potty! She's also stayed dry at nap both days. She's done really well in the afternoons/evenings--no accidents at home!

She really took to the idea of potty training Emmy--she is still trying to use Emmy to get extra treats. Any time she sits on the potty and doesn't go she thinks that Emmy will go potty, but Emmy only has to go when Sadie does and they have to share the sucker--hmmm... At this point I'm optimistic and encouraged to stick with it. We'll see!


Stephanie said...

That's great! I love the pic of her cheesing in her undies :) Good luck!!! Hard to believe you are at that point already...

Tim and Liz Casey said...

Way to go, Sadie! (And way to hang in there Mommy!) Keep up the great work - hope the rest of the week goes well also!

indymommy said...

Wow, that's great! I'm taking notes..... even though it will be a little later and somewhat different with a boy. I have always vowed I will not teach my son to pee sitting down! We'll see.....

Smith Family Blog said...

LOVE the first pic of her legs on he potty! :)

And indymommy-- One Step Ahead (www.onestepahead.com) has a little-boy-sized urinal for potty training!

Jenn said...

Sounds like she is off to a great start. At least she is motivated, that is the key. Grace's potty training journey was so long. Cute pictures.

Bethany said...

Good luck to the both of you!!:) I really had no trouble with Belle but every kid is different! I think that she is doing so well! way to go Sadie!