Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Little Miss Mommy

I love watching Sadie interact with Kinnick--she has really taken on the "Big Sister" role--sometimes almost too much! It's so adorable to watch her imitate Marc and I--anything we say, she says; whatever we do, she does! She is very rambunctious and loud most all of the time--this makes it all the more precious when she is gentle with Kinnick. Don't get me wrong, he's had to be a tough little man to put up with her, but I'd say all in all, he's pretty lucky!

These are a few examples of how Sadie tries to mother him:
  • She uses the baby bottle that she got for her birthday to try and feed him (of course she has attempted to nurse him a few times also!)
  • She picked up my breast pump by the shoulder strap and dragged into the living room and announced "Sadie pump Bubba's milk!"
  • She pulled a bottle of mylicon out of the diaper bag and said "Bubba needs some medicine so he will feel better."
  • She put my sling around her neck, pointed to the pouch and said "Bubba sit here, mommy."
  • She threw a fit one day because he did not have socks on. She kept saying "Bubba feet cold! Bubba feet cold!" until I let her go upstairs and get him some.
  • She carries his bathtub into the bathroom and says "Time for Bubba's bath."

Another funny story unrelated to Kinnick... A few weeks ago we were shopping and I found some shorts to try on. Sadie wanted to come in the dressing room with me. There was a particular pair of shorts she decided to try on--the ones I was trying on. I tried to give her another pair, but she was not persuaded. As soon as I took them off, she snatched them up. I opened the door to the dressing room to show Marc another pair and she pushed me out so she could shut the door. A minute later, I tried to open the door and she shoved it back shut and said "Just a minute, Mommy." I waited and opened the door to find that she had taken off her diaper cover and tights and had the shorts pulled up to her armpits. She was grinning ear to ear. It was pretty adorable!


Stephanie said...

ADORABLE! I'm so glad you're writing all of this down. Sadie will appreciate it one day :)

Bethany said...

How stinkin funny is this! She is as silly as Belle, I think they would get along just fine, maybe cause a small amount of trouble!!