Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Fever

We've been LOVING the weather the last few days. On Friday one of my friends came over with her little girl and we walked to the park and had a picnic outside--the girls loved it! These pics are from the week before last--it was a bit cooler, but Sadie wants to be outside every single day! The bubble gun and the little bag chair were birthday presents.


Stephanie said...

ha... i love Sadie's shades-she looks like such a big girl holding her soccer ball with her hair combed to the side and her shades on :)

Andy said...

2 of the 4 pictures on this entry don't include Wrigley. However, 2 of the 4 do include a part of Wrigley...Way to go Marc, next time why don't you pick up your dog's crap before your children go outside and play around it?