Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to School

Today was my first day back to school after spring break. (I was off for 10 days!) I was dreading going back for many reasons... 1-I've enjoyed being home with my kids. 2-Sadie's not much of a morning person and she's been pretty clingy the last several days. Getting her up in the morning is not fun. 3-Kinnick has pushed back his early morning feeding from 4:30/5:30 to 7:00 or later. Although this is great when I'm home (and on weekends), it does not work out as well for my morning routine on work days. 4-I was pretty nervous about how our morning would work with potty training--I usually have to fight Sadie to get dressed, sitting on the potty would just be another task and I didn't want her to pee in the car on the way to the sitter's.
I'm pleased to say that even though I was a few minutes late to school, this morning was GREAT... I was able to fit in some reading time as I nursed Kinnick later than normal, I got to enjoy the kids snuggling in Sadie's bed together--I absolutely love watching the interact!, and Sadie went potty! I am now counting the days until summer (34 to be exact!)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Your kids are adorable! Hooray for summer :)