Monday, April 20, 2009

Where'd Jesus Go?

Today after one of Sadie's time-outs I was having the same conversation that I've had with her after every one of her time-outs (there have been a lot of them!) but it ended a bit differently...

Mommy: It makes Jesus happy when you obey your parents. Your parents are Mommy & Daddy.

Sadie: Where'd Daddy go?

M: He's still at work, he'll be home soon.

S: Where'd Jesus go?

M: Jesus lives in Heaven.

S: Can I go to Heaven?

M: Yes--if you love Jesus and obey him. Did you know that Mommy prays for you that you will love Jesus and obey him?

S: Thanks Mommy.

At this point, she became distracted by a pair of sandals sitting on the table. After she had both sandals buckled onto her feet, she looked up at my face and said "Mommy, I love Jesus." The most precious words a mommy can hear from her little one...


Stephanie said...


indymommy said...

I seriously just got tears in my eyes! I can't wait for that day!