Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday Sadie!

Sadie got to celebrate her birthday at school on the Friday before spring break.
March 27th:  We got to celebrate Sadie's 6th birthday during her spring break from school.  Marc took the day off and we enjoyed a family day... I love having family celebration days!  I took Sadie shopping the night before her birthday to finish buying stuff for her party.  We had fun going to the Party store and Hobby Lobby.  After she was asleep, we wrapped her door in hello kitty birthday streamers to surprise her when she woke up...

 Sadie couldn't wait to open her present... I was trying to let Marc sleep in and I think Sadie asked me about 50 times if he was awake yet!

Sadie's present--a "big girl" scooter with pink light-up wheels.  She was pretty excited and has enjoyed riding it in the warmer weather.
We had cinnamon rolls with sprinkles for breakfast...

And then enjoyed a trip to the Zoo!  We bought a zoo membership this year so we enjoyed our first of many trips.  It was chilly but we did lots of indoor things and enjoyed being there when it wasn't crowded.

 The kids spent a lot of time in the play zoo--it's probably their favorite thing to do at the zoo!

We let them ride the carousel as a special birthday treat for Sadie...

Sadie got to choose where she wanted to eat for her birthday.  (Her first choice of Burger King was vetoed--Marc told her it needed to be someplace with a waitress!)  She was excited to choose Cracker Barrel--another favorite!

And of course she loved her birthday cake!
I can't believe it's been 6 years since we became parents... I loved celebrating this special day with this crazy, energetic, creative, independent girl of ours!

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