Friday, April 19, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

March 30:  Our small group is currently going through a study called "40 Days of Community" by Rick Warren (similar to Purpose Driven Life).  Nate preached a sermon series on Community and most of our churches' small groups were going through this study together.  As part of the study we were encouraged to do a group service project.  Our group decided to host an Easter Egg hunt for the Roseland Community.  The timing worked out perfectly because Ms. Pearl had recently gotten HUGE shipments of new clothing and wanted to do a community outreach/clothing giveaway.  We planned our event for the week before Easter.
We all bought candy (and borrowed LOTS of eggs from the church).  We used our small group time the week before the egg hunt to stuff eggs.  Usually the kids are with a sitter, but the bigger kids enjoyed stuffing eggs with us.  It was a great family project! 

The Egg Hunt was also a great family project--and we all had our kids with us!  They enjoyed helping hide the eggs, playing on the playground, and getting some treats from Ms. Pearl when we were done.

I could not believe how fast these kids (about 50 total) snatched up almost 800 eggs.  We helped make sure all the little ones got some eggs in their basket but this "hunt" was started and done in about 3 minutes!  Lots of happy faces...


Macey's Best "Big" Bud--J.D.  She LOVES him!

After the egg hunt, Ms. Pearl shared a brief Easter message with everyone gathered.  I always love hearing her preach...

We ended with the clothing give away.  We helped set up about 15 big tables of clothes in the morning.  During the giveaway we helped bag clothes and assisted people in finding what they needed.  Afterwards we bagged the leftovers and helped clean up and put tables away.

Our whole group minus 1 was able to come to help with this event...

Everyone agreed that it was an awesome way to spend our Saturday morning!  We were also very encouraged to keep planning these types of events together.  Here's what we have coming up:  Feed My Starving Children packing event (on Saturday!)--we're all serve together for this;  Serving a meal at Ronald McDonald House--we get to cook and serve the families that have little ones in Hope Children's Memorial Hospital, still working out the details but this will probably be a "girl's night" event;  Making Blessing Bags to pass out to homeless/needy.  I truly LOVE this group God has blessed me with and I'm excited to see what He has in store for us!

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