Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sadie--3 Year Old Interview

In Her Words...
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Book: Junie "Buh" Jones
Favorite Song: I'm a Little Lovebug (from Kid's Choir)
Favorite Store: Dollar Store
Favorite Game: Ice Cream Game, actually Hungry Hippopotamus
Favorite Restaurant: Turtles
Favorite Toy: Dollies
Favorite Cartoon: Dora
Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese, actually yogurt
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Riding my bike
Favorite Indoor Activity: Play with Barbies

Family Questions:
Who is in your family? Mommy, Daddy, Macey, Buba, & Wrigley
What is your favorite thing about Daddy? When he stays home with me when mommy is at a meeting
What is Daddy's Job? Work at the bank
What makes Daddy Happy? When I tell him questions
What job do you like to do with Daddy? Clean up toys
What is something Daddy always says to you? That he loves me
How does Daddy make you laugh? Sits on me
How do you know Daddy loves you? Because he's my Daddy and I love my mom and my dad and my brother and my sister and Wrigley
What is you favorite thing about Mommy? When you take me for a special treat like ice cream or Chuckie Cheese or something
What is Mommy really good at? Playing toys--like blocks
What is Mommy's job? To work and play with us
What makes Mommy happy? When you smoosh me on my bed when I'm laying under the covers and we play that game and I scare you
What job do you like to do with Mommy? Help cook cookie dough and cookies and do exercises
What is something Mommy always says to you? Get your shoes, get dressed, we have to leave!
How does Mommy make you laugh? When you tickle me
How do you know Mommy loves you? Cause you say that you love me
What is the best thing about being a BIG sister? When I take care of Macey and Buba and babysit them
What is the hardest thing about being a BIG sister? I have to take care of Macey and Buba ALOT!
What do you like to teach Macey & Kinnick? To listen and obey our parents
Where is the best place our family has gone? Pizza Hut
What is the most fun thing our family has done? Go out to eat and play on the playground that's inside the building that we ate at

General Questions:
What is something you're really good at? Taking pictures and taking care of Buba and Macey
What do you love to do? Take baths
Who is your best friend? Carson & Megan
What do you like to do with them? Play at their house and play babies
What do you want to be/do when you are big? Work at school--teach kids
Why do you have to obey Mom & Dad? To keep our baby safe and Jesus likes it when we obey our parents
What is the hardest thing about obeying? When I try to but I can't and then you guys don't trust me, like when I lie
Why do you go to school? I'm a big kid.
What do you learn at school? Good stuff like my ABCD letters and what day it is
What is your favorite thing about school? Dinosaur painting day
Why do you go to church? To learn about Jesus more and learn to be a good listener from the Bible and have story and snack
What do you learn at church? Good News about Jesus
What is your favorite thing about church? Playing with my friends

NOTE: Wouldn't you know that out of all the family experiences we've had, Pizza Hut comes out on top!


Tim and Liz Casey said...

Love this! I can totally hear her saying these responses!

cscmamareed said...

I love this, I'm gonna have to steal it for Gavin!!
That poor girl, she must get sat on a lot, haha!! And she has to take care of her brother and sister a lot?! - haha ;)

Jenn said...

I couldn't believe when I saw this on your blog. I had been planning to do an interview on Faith's b-day. I was going to try and video we will see how it goes. I was thinking it might be a fun birthday tradition.

Kristina said...

I thought about video taping it also... it would have to be shorter! We did this one mostly during meal times over a couple days. I am planning on doing to each year for the kids birthdays--I want to give them each the same survery when they turn 3, etc.

Erin said...

I loved reading this, it was so much fun! What a great idea!