Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Brookfield Zoo

Marc had Columbus Day off, so we headed up to Brookfield Zoo. It ended up being an 80 degree day--pretty nice. The zoo was busy but we got to do/see a lot. Sadie was very excited to have a picnic at the zoo (as you can see, she wore her "picnic" shirt!) and was also excited to see many animals--most of all the rhinos! I think Kinnick has been to 4 different zoos now, but this was the first time that he was pointing out animals and calling them by name. This was Macey's 2nd zoo trip, but the first time she enjoyed looking at the animals. The day was long and exhausting, but very fun! We ended it with dinner at Cracker Barrel on the way home. (With 3 kids who missed afternoon naps, it was not our most enjoyable dinner, but very yummy!)

Kinnick LOVES to read and always points out animals by name in books, he was very excited to name the animals at the zoo!

Macey was such a happy girl all day--we're grateful that she is a very easy going (so far!)

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