Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Macey--7/8 Months

Well... time continues to slip away--I didn't get Macey's 7 month update and now she's almost 8 months! We keep calling her "smiley Mace" because she is always smiling! She is very social and loves to "talk" to people.

She is a terrific eater! She LOVES graham crackers (well, any kind of cracker really!) She is trying a lot more table food these days. She likes to feed herself--mac & cheese, spaghetti, pancakes, biscuits, peas, corn, small pieces of banana, cereal, etc. The last time she was officially weighed was at 7 mos--she weighed 13 lbs. 10 oz.

She is very good at entertaining herself, as long as someone is in the room with her... if you leave her by herself, she will scream bloody murder!

She is starting to get into more and more. She likes to play standing up, but hasn't pulled herself up yet.

She is crawling now. She drags herself and occasionally goes up on her hands and knees to crawl. She still doesn't go to far (which is just fine with her mommy!)

She loves playing with toys and puts everything into her mouth.

She loves bath time also. She splashes and grabs the toys. When I lay her down she smiles and kicks away.
I'm trying to savor the moments b/c I know that all too soon she'll be big... today I had to look through Kinnick and Sadie's baby books to remind myself that they were this cute & innocent once too!

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