Monday, July 27, 2009

Garage Sale Success

Back in June we had our 3rd annual garage sale. We've been doing garage sales for the last few years with our friends, Ryan & Liz. I must admit that I really look forward to this weekend--in fact this year I woke up early on both Friday & Saturday! Our big money maker is always kids clothes and items, but we have some of the "typical garage sale junk". I love it when an older couple will walk up, take one look at ALL the tables of kids clothing and turn around to leave. This year Sadie helped me make baked goods to sale and all the money went to her and Kinnick's piggy banks--she LOVED putting the money in and even made the suggestion to share with Kinnick all on her own! For our two days of work (plus a few hours of set up) we made over $500 combined--not too bad. I think I'm getting better each year at learning how to organize ahead of time, price items, set-up, etc. We're thinking this year we will make it a bi-annual event!

Carson & Sadie decided the cooler of ice water would make a good swimming pool.

I had wanted to buy a new umbrella stroller with some of our profits (Sadie had a pink one). I splurged a bit on this stroller (although I did get it for $20 off!) and have already got ALOT of use out of it. I love how lightweight it is and how small it folds up, yet it is still sturdy and easy to push with a bit of storage underneath.

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