Sunday, May 3, 2009

5 Months

Time flies--Kinnick is 5 months old! I'm not sure that I'm ready for sitting up, solid food, and crawling--but I'm enjoying every minute. I love being the mommy of a little boy! Here are some highlights:

Kinnick loves holding onto toys now. He loves grabbing the toys hanging on his carseat and if he sees a toy he wants he will roll or creep on his belly until he gets it.

He has starting sucking his fist/thumb alot! He still takes his pacifier, but soothes himself just as easily by sucking his thumb or fingers.

He loves sitting in his bumbo and exersaucer. We haven't gotten out the jumper--but I think he will like that also... He sits in his exersaucer alot while I'm getting dinner ready. (One night this week Sadie climbed into the saucer WITH Kinnick!)

He loves being down on the floor. He scouts his knees under himself and straightens them to move himself across the floor.
Potty Update: Sadie just finished her 2nd week at the sitter's since we started potty training. The first week was tough, but Jennifer thought she was making progress and we both wanted to keep trying. This week went much better! Sadie only had about three pee accidents all week and she has started telling us when she needs to go. She is also staying dry at nap time most of the time. Our biggest challenge now is pooping on the potty... She often goes during her nap time but went twice this week in her undies and once in the bathtub--yuck! She went on the potty for the 1st time Friday, so I'm hoping she will keep it up!


Trista said...

kinnick is such a cutie! We miss him so much and need to come visit you guys soon!

Stephanie said...

He is such a cutie! Good luck w/ potty training and save up some good advice for me to use later :)