Thursday, April 3, 2008

Back to School...

So this week hasn't been the most fun. After my 10 days off with Sadie it was extremely hard to go back to school. Thankfully, Sadie got right back into the swing of things. I love my little kiddies at school, but it seems like the end is not in sight! I do love this time of year in Kindergarten because so many of my students are really "getting" reading and writing. This year especially, I have a really fun class!

Another aspect that has made this week hard is that I started Sadie on milk. Up until this point, I've gone every school day during my lunch break to feed her. I'm still nursing now, but cutting out her lunch time feeding. I plan to have lunch with her 2 or 3 days a week for the rest of the year, but I'm really missing seeing her daily (although it's made my day at school more productive and less hectic!)

On top of everything, Sadie hasn't been sleeping the best. First--let me say I can't really complain because because Sadie has been an excellent sleeper for the majority of her life. Traveling always throws her off, and starting Easter weekend she began waking up in the night. When we got back home, it was about every other night. I think she is working on some new teeth and she wakes up SCREAMING! During break, I didn't mind it so much b/c I could sleep in and rest during the day, but now that I'm working, it's hard. Don't get me wrong, Marc is a HUGE help during these times, but it's hard on both of us! We're hoping that we're getting past this, because we've now had 2 good nights in a row!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I can sympathize- Faith isn't sleeping great either. I am so tired at this point I am weaning her off her bink. I hope it gets better.