Thursday, January 1, 2015

Roseland Good News Daycare

November 1:  I am now realizing that I have never really blogged about Ms. Pearl's (I will have to dedicate another post to more info about this awesome ministry!)  Roseland Good News Daycare (aka--Ms. Pearl's) is kind of a big part of our lives.  For the last 3 years the kids and I have traveled to the South side of Chicago nearly every Thursday to volunteer at this awesome ministry.  Ms. Pearl works with high school and college moms--many whom are single and raising a family on their own.  When the dads want to be involved she works with them too!  She calls herself "The No-Excuse Daycare".  She provides diapers, formula, car seats, strollers, clothing, anything moms might need to provide for their kids.  Daycare is free (most all moms qualify for child care assistance from the state but the daycare is primarily supported by individuals and churches).  Good News Daycare has been open for over 20 years and Ms. Pearl has always had the dream of opening her very own daycare center.  Up to this point she has operated out of 2 different houses as a "home daycare" and out of 2 different rental spaces as a daycare center.  For the last 2 years she has been in the basement of a local church.  In May of 2013 Ms. Pearl was awarded a 500,000 building grant by the state of IL.  The building was completed this year with a grand-opening ceremony on Nov. 1.  The daycare received it's operating license and officially opened its doors for business on November 24, just days before Thanksgiving. 
This new center, built in the exact location of the original "Good News Daycare" building is in the Roseland Community of Chicago.  Roseland has a reputation for being one of the most dangerous and run-down communities in all of Chicago.  New construction is virtually unheard of in this community.  Ms. Pearl stands as a true and living testament to God's faithfulness.  She is a real example of obedience and humility.  She takes no credit whatsoever but whole heartedly points this community to God.  She has unwavering faith that HE will not forsake the children of this community.  Roseland Good News Daycare stands as beacon of hope.  I truly believe that God has placed a bubble of protection over this ministry as hundreds of volunteers come and go each year.  I am proud and honored to be a part of this truly life-changing ministry.  Good News Daycare is making a difference each day in the lives of women, children, and the community itself! 

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