Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Christmas 2014

December 25:  We had a great Christmas... when I look at these pictures, I just love my little family so much! 
Everyone's awake! 

Sadie, reading the Bible story to us.

Ready to go downstairs!
Presents from Santa...

"Santa" left a wrapped up present on our doorstop on Christmas Eve.  The kids LOVED these hot chocolate kits with mugs.  (Sadie saw our neighbor girls from across the street sneak this over to our house, but that probably doesn't surprise anyone!)
Presents from Mom & Dad...
Sadie got a box of art supplies for her classroom, a box of chapter books, and an under armor sweatshirt.
Kinnick got a Bears jersey, a remote control helicopter, and a scooter.

Macey got a Doodle Bear, a Cloud Cuckoo Land Lego set, and a Barbie Jeep.

Carver got some new puzzles, an over-the-door basketball hoop for his room, and a baby doll.  Just for the record, Marc chose the basketball hoop and I chose the baby doll and he really loves both!  The kids have a basketball game almost every night in the boys room.  Sometimes the girls are cheerleaders.  Marc also taught them how to play "pig".  (And this little boy is crying because we kept telling him to wait before he ripped open all his presents--he was on a mission!)

Macey opened one of her presents to find a card that said "Look in the garage."  She was very excited about her Barbie Jeep!

As luck would have it, Marc was the proud "winner" of a remote control helicopter at his office white elephant gift exchange.  He and Kinnick love flying their helicopters together!

The kids exchanged gifts with each other also--this year the girls bought for each other as did the boys  We offered to let them open their gifts on Christmas Eve, but they chose to wait.  Sadie picked this Doc McStuffins doctor set for Macey.  Macey got Sadie a cute trashcan for her classroom.  Kinnick got Carver an Iron Man mask and Carver got Kinnick a remote control motorcycle guy.  They all loved their presents from each other.

We always save stockings for last... Carver just could not wait!

I helped pick out Sadie's new sweatshirt but I was very surprised when Marc got me a matching one!
Playing with our new toys on this gorgeous Christmas day!

For Christmas night we have a tradition of peppermint brownie sundaes...

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