Sunday, November 20, 2011

Conversations that Make Me LAUGH...

There is never a shortage of funny conversations in our household... I know I must keep documenting because before I know it they will be grown! Enjoy:
  • Kinnick: What's your favorite weather?-the weathers are fall, summer, ping, and winter. Me: Those are called seasons-what's your favorite season? K: Fall-because I like fallin'! Me: (laughing) K: That's silly-only leaves have to fall-not animals or people... or swings or firepits or lamps or books or c.d.'s...
  • Sadie: Are the hash browns done cooking? Me: I'm not sure, I'll have to check them. S: Can you turn on the oven light? Yeah! They are done--they're "fizzy-ing"--you know, like making a little noise.
  • Sadie: Mommy is the boss, you're not the boss applesauce. Kinnick: Mommy's not the boss, Jesus is the boss! S: Jesus is the boss of Mommy and Mommy is the boss of us. K: Who's the boss of Jesus? S: Nobody--he's the king. (Whispering) Actually I'm the boss of Jesus.
  • (While reading on the couch one morning, Sadie on one side, Kinnick on the other, Macey on my lap...) Kinnick: I think we should have another baby in our family. Macey isn't a baby anymore and I'm not either. Me: Where would put the baby? I don't think there is room for a baby to read with us. (5 minutes later) K: Mom--we could put the baby on my cars chair or on the floor. The baby will fit.
  • I was trying to teach Sadie how to write Macey's name. She wrote: M-A-C. Me: You need to put an E-Y on the end of Macey's name. Sadie: Why? It ends with C... May-C.
  • Kinnick quoting a nursery rhyme: "Mary, Mary, titan terry how does your garden grow? With silver bells and taco shells and pretty maids all in a row."
  • My mom was wiping off Macey's hands/mouth with a washrag... Macey: Too hot, too hot! Grandma: It's not too hot. M: Save me Grandpa, Save me.
  • Kinnick opened a pair of binnoculars for Christmas. Sadie after looking through them, looked up and said "I though I would be able to see Africa and other far away places."
  • Words by Kinnick: "piderman"= spiderman "parpallow" = marshmallow "you're welpum!" = You're welcome! "tree" = three "yittle" = little

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