Saturday, November 19, 2011

Camp Out

We wanted to try a family camp-out this summer or fall. We decided to take our tent with us to our country house and do a camp out in the back yard. (We're starting small!) We picked a warm weekend in October and had our "camp-out" on a Sunday night--Marc was off that Monday. We piled into the back of Marc's truck and drove around our front yard gather wood for a fire. We collected enough for several good sized fires! Next we set up the tent and enjoyed some time hanging out. We brought out some games and books...

When it started getting dark we got our fire going and roasted hot dogs. We also attempted some peach cobbler on the fire and of course enjoyed s'mores!

Kinnick and Macey enjoyed some late-night games and stories and then ended up sleeping inside with Marc.
Sadie and I camped out over night. We watched Cinderella and snuggled in our sleeping bags.

I'm looking forward to lots more camping experiences as our kids get bigger... maybe we'll even make it to an actual camp ground next time!

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