Saturday, August 22, 2009

Navy Pier

I had to go back to work this past Wednesday. On Monday, Marc took the day off so we could have one more family day before I started school. We had originally wanted to take the kids to the beach, but due to the forecast, we opted for Navy Pier instead. We packed a picnic lunch, stopped by Marc's bank on the way, and had a great day... Sadie LOVED it and Kinnick enjoyed himself also.

Sadie loved walking along the pier, seeing ducks, looking at the water, and looking at the tall buildings. She kept asking "Are we going in one of those tall buildings?" We're excited to take her to the Sears Tower or Hancock Bldg. soon!

Sadie and I went up in the giant ferris wheel. (We were planning on all 4 of us going, but thought it was ridiculous to pay $6 for Kinnick to ride...) Sadie stood on her seat and looked out the window the entire time. When we were close to the top, I told her we should look for Daddy and she spotted him in a few seconds (before me)! She said "I see Daddy with the double stroller!" She was also very impressed with the "little cars" driving on the rode.
After we enjoyed being outside for awhile, we headed in to the Children's Museum. I was very excited to find out that teacher's get in free! We spent about an hour and half in here exploring different exhibits. They even had a whole section for children under 5 with little play areas for non-walkers.

Both of the kids loved this water room. It was a lot bigger than the one in Bloomington. Sadie spent forever in here and didn't want to leave. She was soaked (even with the cute little water coats they had). Kinnick loved putting his hands in the water also!

We walked by this craft table where a teacher was directing a little activity. Sadie really wanted to do this. She enjoyed it so much that we had to drag her away to see some more!

The kids spent a lot of timing digging in this dinosaur exhibit. Kinnick loved crawling in the rubber chips and Sadie was excited about the little brushes and the vests and tool belts they had. She was also very particular about putting everything back in its place before we left!

At the end of our trip we enjoyed some ice cream.

Both kids were asleep within minutes of leaving the parking garage! It was a tiring, but fun day! I'm glad we did on Monday so I still had a day to rest up.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That looks like a lot of fun.. I'll have to remember that one! I'm glad you got to do something fun before school starts. Good luck!