Friday, August 28, 2009

Kinnick--9 Months

Since I've gone back to work, I haven't had much time to blog... I started this update in August and am just now getting it finished! It's been hard going back to work, but I'm slowly getting into a routine.

Kinnick is getting SO big! He is still very easy going and very smiley! We have a lot of fun with him. One thing I really appreciate about him is his ability to entertain himself. We call him "Dora" sometimes b/c he loves to explore. He is so content crawling around the house. He loves to crawl back to the toy corner to find things to play with and he also loves to play in his sister's room.

Kinnick has got to enjoy lots of sweets before his 1st birthday that Sadie did not! He LOVES popsicles! He screams at his sister if she tries to take a bite of his!

He loves to get into Wrigley's crate most anytime he is in the kitchen. He also likes to play with Wrigley's food and water bowls. If Wrigley is in his crate, he loves to stand up next to him and "talk" to him.

Kinnick continues to love meal time. Some of his favorite foods include: bananas, yogurt, graham crackers, and fruit of any kind. We are still waiting on his 1st tooth to pop up, but it hasn't hindered his ability to scarf food!
Some of Kinnick's other accomplishments include:
  • Crawling up on his hands & knees (I'm sad that I never got his "belly crawl" captured on video. I do really well w/ still pics, not so much w/ video!)
  • Waving bye-bye
  • Standing on his own--he can now do this for 10-20 seconds at a time!
  • Saying "Dada" (I can tell "Mama" is coming any day now!)
  • Take steps while holding our hands and walking behind push toys--he really gets going!

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