Monday, May 26, 2008

A Surprise Pitstop

All parents who have a child in diapers know that the phrase "blowout" can mean two very different things. When your child is traveling in a car seat... a "blowout" is never good! It's been quite awhile since Sadie has had a diaper blowout. Although they are much less frequent now then when she was an infant, they are always much worse. Today we were traveling home from a fun weekend in Burlington. We had about an hour left in our trip and decided to stop for a drink break. As we pulled into the gas station, I commented "I think Sadie has a stinky diaper." Marc parked and opened Sadie's door to get her out... His first glance was of her hands covered in something green... Yes, I'm sure you've all guessed it by now!

Her cute little skirt was overflowing! She had also taken the liberty of smearing her smelly mess all over her legs and car seat straps. Needless to say, I'm sure it was a humorous sight watching Marc and I maneuver her out of her car seat and attempt to clean up the mess. (Of course the bathroom in the gas station did not have a changing station AND the back of our car was completely full, so we ended up changing her on the driver seat!) Thankfully, we were able to laugh at the ordeal when it was over. Not something we want to do again--EVER!


Stephanie said...

Don't tell Josh this story-he will be mortified... I of course remember this happening w/ my little sisters but these are the surprises he has to look forward to :)

Jenn said...

Yep- been there done that. I destinctly remember in the excersaucer one time. We were like- what is Grace splashing her feet in? Yep- poop running down her leg.