Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jordan's Graduation

This weekend we were home for my youngest brother-Jordan's graduation. We were able to spend the day Saturday helping get ready for his party. His graduation was Sunday afternoon... Sadie did pretty well for the first half before she needed to go for a walk. His party was fun. Sadie's shirt was covered in strawberry juice after about 10 minutes (of course!) She had a blast walking all around and saying Hi to people (many of whom she didn't even know!) It was a long day by the time we got home (at 9:30), but it was worth it! Sadie & Uncle Jordan
My family
Me with my brothers and sisters (How is it that I'm the oldest, but the shortest?)


Lindsay said...

you look SO cute!! I love your dress - and Sadie is getting so big!

Stephanie said...

sounds like fun-we have Betsy's graduation this weekend :)

Bethany said...

I am so sad, they all are growing up! I remember them all being little kids. I feel old! Jordan graduating!, ahhh... Well that is great!

Trista said...

hey.. email me the family picture..jaren was throwing a fit in my picture! the picture of sadie w/ jordan is really cute!