Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day

For Father's Day this year we went to our first family baseball game.  We've been wanting to take the kids but hesitant to spend much money knowing they are still so little.  For Father's Day we decided to check out the Joliet Slammers.  The kids had fun, spent time with friends, wasn't too hot, ate peanuts at the ballpark... all in all a good day!
In the out field area there is a small playground--perfect for when the kids get antsy.  We enjoyed some time playing during the middle of the game.
Each kid got to pick one treat--Sadie and Macey decided on cotton candy and Kinnick chose to go into the bouncy house.  The kids also love eating peanuts our of the shell so they all enjoyed those with their dad!
The game started at 6 so it wasn't too hot and we got to sit in the shade.
We went with another family from our small group.  The kids loved playing together and we enjoyed the company.

After Sunday games they let kids run the bases and meet the players.  Our kids enjoyed walking down to the field and taking a turn to run around the bases.  We have plans to attend another game with our small group. I'm sure the Slammers will be a part of many summers to come!

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