Friday, May 11, 2012

Sadie's Library Card

We celebrated a big milestone with Sadie this week... she got her very own library card!  We I got my library card, the librarian asked if Sadie was 5 yet--she wasn't so she had to wait.  During our weekly trip last week, it dawned on me that we hadn't gotten her card yet.  She was so excited when I reminded her that she was old enough. I let each kid pick 5 books and 1 movie each time we go.  Sadie of course had to hold her books back until we got her card so she could check them out herself.  She got a little goody bag with a chain necklace, book mark, and pencil.  She was also thrilled to see that she got a big library card as well as a key chain sized one (like the one I usually use).  What 5-year old doesn't have keys?

So grateful to celebrate this special milestone with my little girl... I'm excited to be a part of her journey to becoming a life-long reader and lover of books!

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