Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mother's Day

 Mother's Day was a fun, laid-back family day... just what I like!  After our long day on Saturday (Bike the Rock & Gala) we decided to sleep in.  Marc made a big breakfast and we watched church on livestream.  Our church did a very cute video of the pre-school and elementary children talking about their moms.  It was  a fun surprise!
 After "church" I opened my presents.  Marc took Sadie shopping on Saturday after we biked to help pick out some presents for me.  This little girl knows how to shop!  She also knows what her mommy likes.  Marc said he had fun shopping with her.  She got so excited to buy things for me and had really good ideas. She picked out a pink workout outfit, some new bath things. a cubs shirt, a candy bar, and new bicycle seat (Marc's idea).  Marc said she also really wanted to look at jewelry but he talked her out of that.  Hmm... I wonder what her love language is?
 After we finally got out of our pj's, we headed to a local forest preserve for some hiking and a snack.  The kids loved walking the trails.  It was fun to take our time and let them explore.
 I loved watching them pick up sticks, check out plants and flowers, watch bugs crawl around, and look for bigger animals (including lions!)  This is the first time we've been hiking as a family without wearing a child.
 After our hike we headed back home and changed to go out for dinner.  We had thought dinner would be less busy than lunch--maybe we were wrong.  My first choice was Red Lobster but it had 1hr 40 min wait time.  We ended up at Lonestar.  We didn't wait too long but it wasn't our best dining experience.  Our kids are finally at the age where they all do pretty well; however, this was one of those nights when we wanted to eat our food as fast as possible.
 We finished our night by putting our kids to bed and enjoying a warm gooey chocolate skillet cake.  (What mom doesn't think it's a good idea to make herself a cake for mother's day?)  I love being a mom to these three wonderful kiddos.  They really know how to make this mommy feel special (with some  help from their dad of course!)

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