Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Mom "Must-Read"

I recently had the privlidge of reading Mom Connection by Tracey Bianchi. (Thank you to MOPS Int. and Revell Books for providing me with 2 free copies of this amazing book!) I have to start by saying I was slightly biased before even receiving this book. Our MOPS group had the privilege of having Tracey speak at our group this spring and she was so amazingly... NORMAL! She was completely relatable, very unintimidating, and so real. After listening to her talk about friendship (with a chatty toddler clinging to her leg b/c her sitter cancelled at the last minute) I knew that this was a book I wanted to read.

 Not sure about you all, but to me reading a book about friendship was never high on my priority list. Of course I need to read about discipline, potty training, raising godly sons & daughters, and I always love a good fiction read. With my limited reading time I probably wouldn't have picked up a book about friendships but I'm certainly glad I picked up this one!

 Mom Connection, in my opinion is a "must-read" for all moms with young kids (and moms wih older children will certainly benefit from is also). Tracey addresses how to have rich and meaningful relations during a stage of motherhood that often seems lonely, isolating, and just plain exhausting. Many of think we don't even have time for real relationships. Tracey teaches us that it is just the opposite--it is actually these kind of relationships that refuel, encourage, and uplift us. Tracey talks about finding our "rhythm" as a mom. She says "If we find the right balance and cadence, which is so very doable for us moms, we just may thrive during motherhood."  She addresses topics such as asking for help, discovering our passion (everyone has "one big thing" as she puts it), making time for hobbies, balancing extended family, making our marriage a priority, volunteering, and living out our relationship with Christ in a way that makes a difference in our world.  She shares from her heart without dishing up any guilt.

My favorite thing about this book is the way Tracey encourages moms to make connections in our everyday lives... no extra work!  We have opportunities every day to connect, we can make it a part of our routine.  "To live invitationally is to live with an eye toward connecting with others."  Another point that she makes is that every mom has to find their own unique rhythm.  What works for one will not work for others.  We are all different--that's okay.  This was such a great reminder to me that I shouldn't judge others because they make different decisions than I do. Rather, I should celebrate the fact that God made us all different.

Do you think the brownies on the cover of this book look delicious?  I happen to have a recipe for mint chocolate brownies that look just like this... and they are amazing!  I would love to discuss this book with any of you who choose to read it--let me know and I'd love to connect with you... mint chocolate brownies included!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the recommendation; I'll add it to my "list" :)