Saturday, February 12, 2011

Book Reviews

One of the things that I have thoroughly enjoyed since I stopped working is reading! I have always been a reader but while working full time, I was usually too tired at night and any free time I had on weekends had to go to household duties. I also gave up all my "fun" reading in order to concentrate on educational reading (aka--parenting books!) Now I am able to balance the two.

I recently went through my book shelf and found that I have A LOT of books that I have purchased over the last few years that I have not yet read. I separated the books into categories (marriage, spiritual growth, parenting, & pleasure) and made a reading plan (yes--that's my OCD side coming out!) In the process of this I discovered that I was currently half-way into 7 different books! My first goal--finish those. (That list is now down to 1.) I thought I would share a few of my favorites with you in hopes that you can find some relevant to your life. (I'm only reviewing books that I enjoyed so these are all positive reviews!)

I LOVED this book! I can without a doubt say that this is the best parenting book I have read to date (and I have a pretty extensive list!) I was fortunate to see Susie Larson speak last year at Hearts at Home and she was amazing. I read this book over the course of about 6 months. Looking back I'm surprised I spaced it out that long b/c it's such a good read I didn't want to put it down; however, there's so much good stuff it takes some time to process and let it sink in. Larson gives so many practical ideas to incorporate into your daily life. One of her biggest lessons--It has to start with YOU! Her mantra--"You can't impart what you don't possess." It's hard to pick a favorite idea, there are so many to choose from, but I love her plan for family meetings--it's doable and their highly productive! It's written to women, but relevant to dads too. If you're a mom raising kids and you buy one new books this year, let it be this one!

This was a Christmas present and I was ready for any new ideas to help me with my strong-willed child. (I won't say this child's name, but most of you reading probably know!) One thing that I found very surprising as I read this book was that it gave me just as many practical types for raising my non-strong willed children as for my SWC. Dobson writes from many many years of experience and research and I know that he is such a sound source of parenting information. Although parts of this book make me scared for the future (specifically the teen years) it is very encouraging and filled with practical insights.

This was one of my unfinished books... I started (I believe) almost 2 years ago and read half of it. It really is a page-turner, it just got lost in my day-to-day somewhere along the way. This is a fiction read, but it really makes you think... it really helped me to look at what I know and believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Heaven. I highly recommend this book to anyone, but especially if you are struggling with the topic of forgiveness or questioning why God allows bad things to happen.

My friends Jennifer and Stephanie recommended this book (we're all Duggar fans!) I've always enjoyed watching Michelle Duggar interact with her kids--she has such a calm, patient way about her that seems to bring out the best in them. I admire that so much because I feel like I'm constantly losing it with my kids. This book is written by Jim Bob and Michelle together and begins with their dating life. As I read I was constantly saying "Marc, I have to read this part to you--You're not going to believe this!" It was so refreshing to be encouraged by their solid faith in God and to see how he consistently blessed their family. A bonus--it's filled with practical tips and recipes!

I read this book this summer. My sister-in-law loaned it to me and I read it in two days. I literally could not put it down. I carried it with me everywhere and was reading any time I had a free minute! Angie Smith shares her family's story... the heart-wrenching yet inspiring story of their little girl Audrey who was diagnosed with a heart disease when Smith was 20 weeks pregnant. Smith shares her joy, grief, and anger with such an openness and honesty that you think you are her BFF. This is such an inspiring book! (Warning: Keep a box of Kleenex next to you at all times!)
Our small group read this book last spring. We met each week to watch video clips by Francis Chan and discuss. This was, in my opinion, the best small group study we've ever done (in 3 plus years!) Chan really takes everything directly back to what the Bible teaches and he challenges us to questions why we do what we do. This is a great book to read with your spouse.

And I saved the best for last... The Hunger Games is a fictional trilogy. My friend Lindsey loaned me the first book back in September I read it in less than a week and couldn't wait to get my hands on the next two. I got Catching Fire and Mocking Jay at the end of December. I read Catching Fire (my favorite) in less than a week, took a small break (so I made sure I was still talking with my husband on a regular basis) and then finished Mocking Jay in mid-January. I won't try to explain what these books are about because it doesn't really make them sound appealing it. I guess they can be classified as science-fiction, but I don't consider myself a sci-fi fan. You can't help but fall in love with the characters and Collins has a way of making the impossible happen. I love, love, LOVE these books!!!
In the future I will make it a point not to do so many at once so my posts are so ridiculously long!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Well good news... I have read some of these already and loved them too!! Bad news... I have added some more to my huge list!! Haha!!! Thanks for the reviews, I love to read and can't wait to read some of them!! Dobson is so good, I feel like he is my personal friend sometimes!! I read all of his books I can get!!