Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Wonderland

So far this year we've had two play days in the snow. The 2nd was much more successful than the first... Here are a few pics from our adventures:
The first time we went out (December 6, after our first big snow) it was VERY cold--I mean frozen noses the second you step outside. (I was probably too optimistic, but the kids were really excited... okay I was too!) Sadie and I built this snowman after I got Kinnick wrapped in a blanket and turned on Mickey Mouse Club House for him to watch! This snow was very fluffy and did not pack well--our snowman was very hard to make!

Kinnick pulled his glove off after being outside for about 5 minutes. He wanted to touch the snow, but immediately started crying. He didn't want me to put his glove back on. Finally I asked him if he wanted to go inside and watch Mickey--that seemed to do the trick.

Sadie was so excited to make snow angels--she does them every time she gets a chance!

Our 2nd snow day was much more successful (and much warmer!) After snowing ALL day Monday we went out Tuesday (12/21) right before lunch--we had so much fun.

The kids had fun tasting some snow...

and we "re-made" our first snowman. We made him much taller. This time around the snow packed really well, so we could actually roll balls--it was fun.

I showed the kids how to make snowballs and Kinnick loved throwing them at the house (and at his sister.)
I had a much happier little boy this time around--he didn't even want to go inside!
Okay--to all my mommy friends... I know it's much easier to let Dad play in the snow with the kids, but you really have to take them out--I promise you'll have a blast. Here are my tips:
  • Fun things to try: Fill spray bottles with colored water and make "paintings" in the snow; pack a bag of treats to make your snowman--cookie eyes, licorice mouth, etc.; If you have a water table (or a shallow Rubbermaid tub) bring the snow inside to let your kids play
  • Dressing Tips (for Mommy)--I'm sure most of you don't have snow pants lying around, no need to worry--layer some leggings, sweat pants and top with a pair of your husbands wind suit pants (they aren't water proof, but really help!) No need to buy special boots, gloves, etc. If you don't have something that will work, steal from your husband--it's not too hard to play outside for 30 minutes in over sized stuff! Don't forget your sunglasses and put your camera in your coat pocket.
  • Dressing Tips (for Kids)--This is a no-brainer, but have your potty trained kids go pee BEFORE you start getting dressed; Put gloves on before coats so the gloves are tucked in. Tuck their pants into their boots and snow pants over boots; Footie pajamas work great as a bottom layer; Dad's stocking hats work good for girls with lots of hair; layer on some chap stick and Vaseline for little cheeks and noses!
  • If you have someone you can get hand-me-down snow clothes from, GREAT! Another option--if you have a friend with kids that are ages in between your kids, trade snow stuff back and forth each winter. Look at resale shops and garage sales--snow pants/boots don't get used a lot especially when kids are real little. If you are going to buy, look for end of season deals and buy big and buy neutral (ex--black snow pants, boots, gloves) your kids can use them for a couple years and you can keep passing them down!
  • Minimize the mess--strip your kids as soon as they walk in the door. If you have a basement or someplace you can hang stuff up, this work great for drying (and storing).
  • Get your hot chocolate ready before you go out, all you have to do is heat it back up and you're ready for a warm treat!

1 comment:

Tim and Liz Casey said...

I love the picture of Kinnick by himself with the great smile! How fun! :-)