Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cousins' Visit/Thanksgiving

Nathan (Marc's brother), Cori, Jaren, & Emery came to stay with us for the week of Thanksgiving. They arrived the Friday before and left the day after. We had SO much fun! We tried to cram in as many fun activities as we could while still leaving plenty of time for the kids to simply play (and for us adults to recover from the meltdowns and outbursts--mostly coming from two little girls!) Marc's parents and his sister joined for Wed-Fri. It was a full house, but we wouldn't change a thing! The week went fast... too fast!

Saturday was a lazy day... Emery remembered having a tea party this summer and couldn't wait for another one! (Sadie was also excited b/c we hadn't had the tea set out for awhile.) This summer we had the tea party in the tent--so we had to improvise. This picture shows the girls enjoying their treat in Sadie's princess tent. In case you were wondering what you would eat at a "Gorsch Teaparty" here's the menu: Tea (w/ cream (almond milk), sugar, and lemon slices), marshmallows, fruit snacks, grapes, dried cranberries, cereal pieces, and crumbled bacon. (That's right, we did have bacon at our tea party!)

Jaren was such a good sport to be the official waiter!

Kinnick also joined in the fun although he wasn't allowed in the tent.
Sunday after church we packed shoeboxes. Sadie was very excited for this because we buy and store things throughout the year and still she remembers doing them last year. She took her packing job very seriously!

Jaren, Aunt Cori, & Sadie--fixing "treat" bags for the shoeboxes... Sunday afternoon Nathan & Cori kept the kids while Marc and I dropped off the shoeboxes and went to see Harry Potter!

Cori helped the kids work on this craft project while we were gone. They painted pieces of a ceramic nativity scene to give to Chuck and Janet for Christmas. They each worked on one piece (including Macey!)

Kinnick was SO proud of his donkey--he kept sayig "Bubba's donkey!"

The girls spent a lot of their time in pajamas--specifically these (not so weather appropriate) nightgowns. Emmy left this night gown here this summer and was so excited to be reunited with it. Sadie wanted to match, so I had to dig her nightgown out of a tub in the basement.

We spent lots of time reading!

Hawkeye Ballerinas!
On Wednesday afternoon I got out one of our little trees and the kids helped me decorate it so we could have our family Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Wed. night.

After dinner we let the kids make some Christmas cookies to have after gifts... Here's what we ended up with :
The kids were so excited to open some Christmas presents (early!)

After gifts, we enjoyed our cookies and some hot chocolate:
Kinnick's birthday was on Thanksgiving this year. We started our day with "birthday" cinnamon rolls. (We have a tradition of waking the kids up by going into their room to sing Happy Birthday. This year, Marc and I were actually sleeping in Kinnick's room--when we heard him waking up, we got to sing and spend some snuggle time with him!)

He enjoyed opening some birthday presents--including this spider man riding toy from Grandpa & Grandma!
Earlier in the week, the kids helped make little pace cards for everyone for our Thanksgiving dinner. Inside the place cards everyone got to write reasons they are thankful for that person--Macey helped Cori write hers!

The girls helped me make some sweet potato chips--they got a little over-seasoned and a little over-baked, but I think I will try them again. They were yummy (crunchier than the fries we usually make).
Emmy helped make her very own (dairy free) pumpkin pie!

For Thanksgiving night we made all appetizers (the kids were so excited to eat only "snacks" for dinner--they kept talking about it all day!) and watched the Santa Clause 2.

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