Friday, July 18, 2008


This week was our VBS. I helped as a pre-school guide--a pretty easy job that just involved escorting a group of children to each place that we needed to go and helping them out with their crafts, etc. The first day, I only had 1 little girl in my group, but what a spitfire! Her name was Alissa and she was there every day. She was the little kid that everyone falls in love with and that is CONSTANTLY being told "shhh!" She cracked us up every day!

Our theme was "Outrigger Island"--lots of tropical decorations! Since day 1 I've had songs stuck in my head about "living God's unshakable truth" and "teach my what is right, O God and I will do it." How basic these truths are, yet such a great reminder of what our faith is all about!

Sadie got to play in the nursery each day with several of her little friends. She had fun, although Thursday and today were pretty rough because she typically doesn't go a whole week without a "two nap day". My favorite conversation with her was on day 3...
Me: "Did you have fun today?"
Sadie: "Yeah" (with a big smile on her face)
Me: "Did you eat blue jello with fish in it?"
Sadie: (Shaking head yes, with an even bigger smile) "Yeah!"

Here are a couple pictures of us leaving in the morning and one of the crafts that she made:

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