Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sadie's Baptism

August 9:  Sadie has been asking to be baptized for over a year now.  Marc and I wanted to make sure that she really understood this decision and that she is prepared to pursue a relationship with Christ.  We told her that we would work through a study together (our whole family) on what it means to accept Christ as your Savior.  We are so lucky that she has had some very amazing adults in her life to mentor her and teach her about Christ at our church (The Village Christian Church).  This summer she attended a VBS at a local church in Shorewood where she memorized lots of scripture and was again challenged by the idea of baptism.  We told her that we wanted her to be able to vocalize her testimony (explaining why she was making this decision and how God is working to change her heart).  By the end of summer she came to us and said she was ready!  She shared her testimony with Marc and I and typed it out.  Her last step was to share it with a pastor at our church.  She chose Ms. Amy (our children's minister).  We picked a date and she couldn't have been more excited!

She asked me to baptize her.  It was an incredibly special day.  Sadie shared a part of her testimony and also shared a scripture from John that she loves.  Marc and I gifted her a special necklace to commemorate her special day.  It is engraved with the date of her baptism and has a small crystal cross and a pearl.  I'm so proud of this girl and the way she has focused on learning and growing since this has taken place.  She is a leader and I know that God has HUGE plans for her life!
Ms. Brittany--one of her favorite kid village teachers!

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