Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Chciago Half Marathon

September 27:  When I started my running journey I really wanted to say that my goal was to run a half marathon (or even a marathon!) but I felt like it was unattainable or unrealistic.  Instead I just kept slowly building miles and I signed up to do the Marathon Relay with my runner friends (I still didn't consider myself "a runner"). That was my first "big race"... with timing chips and starting corals and a big race course.  It was so fun and it felt so good--after I finished, I knew I could sign up to do a half!  Actually registering was scary but once I did I knew I had to train.  

I followed a Hal Higdon Half Marathon training plan for beginners.  I followed it very religiously!  I got in all my runs (I think I missed 2 short runs), I did my cross training days, I did lots of yoga, I did my strength training, and I focused on drinking lots of water and trying to eat good fuel (especially the nights before my long runs).  Saturday mornings became my long run day.  It started with 4 miles then built up (adding a mile per week) to my last long run--12 miles!  By the last 4 weeks of training, I was running 5 miles twice per week (which was a big investment on a school morning) plus a long run and 2 cross training days (not to mention my strength and yoga!)  In the beginning the long runs were hard but by the time I hit 8 miles I started to see them as a challenge and I would be so mentally prepared that they often went really well.  I listened to LOTS of audio books--I almost always had a book going instead of music and this really helped me look forward to my running (and biking) time! 

Some specific runs I can remember... 
*My first 5 mile run... it was a Saturday morning in June and it was HOT!  My legs felt like lead after 3 miles and I really felt like there was no way I could make it through my entire training regimen.   Luckily I called some awesome running friends and got some good advice and I realized early on that I was going to have some horrible runs and that was okay.
 *Running in Michigan...  I took my running gear on our couples get away in July.  It was early in my training but I didn't want to start missing runs.  I LOVED running there.  The temp was cooler, the scenery was amazing.  It was so awesome to change it up.
 *7 mile long run--I did this one in Bowen.  This was during the time when I kept dreading the long runs...  My GPS wouldn't work great so it was hard to track my exact mileage but I knew about how long I needed to run (and after I finished, I measured it off with the car just to see!)  I ran the entire perimeter of my parents' little town and that comes in slightly under the 3 mile mark!  I did that twice and then had to tack on another mile plus.  It was fun to run by so many places that were so familiar to me.
 *10 mile long run--this was my absolute favorite run!  It fell on the week that we were going to family camp (Labor Day weekend) with the Casey family.  I knew that I would not want to run (especially a 10 mile run!) while we were at camp.  We were going to be gone Friday afternoon through Sunday night so that left Monday and I was not excited about giving up my holiday/day off to run 10 miles.  I was discussing this with Marc and he said "Why don't you do it Friday morning?".  Initially I thought "No way!  That's impossible" but after more discussion he agreed to get Callen for me at 6:30 and get the kids up and ready for school so I could have the extra running time.  My alarm went off at 4:45 and I was out the door by 5 (earlier then my typically morning run departure time of 5:45).  It was a full two hours of hard work but I enjoyed the crisp coolness of morning, the sun rise, and lots of time to listen to The Kitchen House.  I got home from my cool down around 7:15 and had time for a shower while Marc fed the kids breakfast.  The feeling I had that day knowing that I ran 10 miles (and did it well!) before I took my kids to school was amazing... all. day. long. amazing!

I signed up to run with "Team Cure It" along with my friend Erica.  The "Cure It Foundation" is a pediatric cancer research foundation.  I committed to raising $500 on behalf of my two amazing friends--Erica & Nichole who are moms to two amazing little fighters.  Erica tried to run this race last year but broke her foot so she was on round two and joined in with her.  Because of my many generous friends and family members, I was able to exceed my goal!    

Erica and I enjoyed a fun day Friday traveling together to pick up our race bibs & shirts at the expo.  We had lunch together and had fun browsing all the fun running stuff.  When race day rolled around I was nervous for sure!  We met up with Sandenos early in the morning and drove downtown with all our kiddos and our husbands.  We had plenty of time to settle in and get to our coral.  We waited and started together.  

Heading into this race I wasn't overly concerned about time, just focusing on finishing my first half.  Two weeks before my race (when I did my 12 mile run) I finished and my right foot was hurting quite a bit.  I rested for the 2 weeks leading up to race day (I did bike rides and tried out one 2 mile run during which my foot hurt the entire time.  I was very nervous about this injury but I also did not want to miss out after all my training and fundraising.  My foot started hurting after 1 mile and continued to get worse.  I was able to run most of the first half but the second half was a constant combination of running and walking (and limping).  There were times when I truly didn't know if I would finish.  The kids and dads waited for us (with signs) at two different points.  Knowing what mile markers they would be at gave me so much incentive to keep going.  I also made a friend along the way.  This sweet old man would always tap me on the shoulder whenever he passed me and motion me for me to keep running.  I would run until I couldn't anymore then settle into walking until he would eventually shuffle past me again and repeat the process.  He was so encouraging without saying a word.  I loved his spirit and was sad that I did not get to see him at the finish.  As the race continued on, it became apparent that I would be no where near my ideal goal of 2:30 so I began hoping for a 2:45 finish.  That pace group passed me around mile 10 so I knew that was not going to happen and really started wishing to finish under 3 hours.  I barely made it but I crossed the finish line running.  I saw the kids somewhere between mile 12 and 13 and that gave me all the boost I needed to make it across that finish line!

The walk back to the car was simply excruciating.  I was so jealous of all the racers laughing and enjoying the walk back to the car.  I knew I trained well and I was upset that I couldn't finish my race well and recover well but I did get to finish and for that I was so grateful!  I didn't see a doctor but was fairly certain that I had tendinitis (an overuse injury).  My sister in law loaned me her boot which I did use for about 3 weeks.  Now I am back to running pain-free!  I feel certain that I will run a half marathon again.
I'm not a fan of this picture, but it is from the morning of my Friday 5am, 10 mile run!
Seeing others running in this shirt on race day gave me lots of encouragement!  I believe there were around 25 of us.
Marc made me an awesome dinner to carb-load the night before race day.
Everything laid out... ready to go!
Starting Line Selfie
Post Race--Check out these ginormous medals!

I was so grateful to have my biggest fans here cheering me on!

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