Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blueberry Picking

July 24:  We haven't made it to Tammen for blueberry picking since Sadie was two... I've been wanting to go each year and we finally did!  Carver was 3 weeks old and spent his first time with a babysitter (my friend Sarah) and also had his first bottle!  He did great... I wasn't sure how much he would eat and he sucked down 5 ounces! 
We went with our friends Lucas, Etahn, baby Elizabeth, and Michelle.  It was actually a pretty cool day for July (which was nice because we weren't sweating.

My big plan was to pick around 10 lbs. of blueberries (about 2 buckets).  It didn't go quite as planned... We went toward the end of their "first pick" so the bushes weren't super full and a lot of what was left were high or toward the middle of the bushes.  This made it harder for the kids to pick.

The kids had fun and ate lots of blueberries while we were picking.  They lasted about an hour before they needed to go potty and were saying they were tired.  Needless to say, we did not have 2 full buckets!  We decided to call it a day and cash in our berries.

We ended up with 2.5 lbs... nowhere close to 10 but delicious none the less! I think Michelle weighed in around 3lbs.  I would have loved to frozen enough blueberries to last most of this year but they are gone.  We enjoyed them!

We had packed a lunch for the kids so we headed to a nearby park and enjoyed some play time before going home. 

Michelle and I decided next year we might need to go blueberry picking without kids!

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