Thursday, October 13, 2011

Moving Day/Marc's Birthday

August 27th was our official "Moving Day" but it really felt like August was moving month! Starting the last week of July I began packing up boxes/tubs in preparation for the move. After visiting our temporary house I began sorting out what we need to take and what could go into storage. A week before our move we had this delivered to our house...
The kids loved playing in it--Sadie decided to call it "Chuck E. Cheese"!
Marc and I spent the week loading up box number 1 with as much stuff as we could. It involved some late nights, but we got it done. The day before our move they picked up box 1 and delivered box 2.
Marc's birthday was the week before our move--we celebrated with take-out from a Streator classic... and we packed!

The day of our big move was a little crazy... luckily we had LOTS of help. My mom, dad, Jordan, Marc's mom, Stephanie, and our friend Ryan all came to help pack/clean/load furniture. Our friend Liz took the kids for the morning. At 2 my mom and I took the kids to a birthday party (a fun break from packing!) After the party Ms. Jennifer took Sadie & Kinnick while we finished up. During the day we made two multiple vehicle trips to our temp house to take stuff. It was fun to get to show our family where we would be living.
We ended our marathon day at my parents hotel... pizza, swimming, and birthday cake to celebrate Marc's birthday. We made it back to our house for one last night--sleeping in empty rooms on air mattresses.

Sunday morning was interesting b/c we needed to keep the kids occupied with no toys, no books, no tv... Luckily we still had our Internet up so they enjoyed some cartoons on Marc's lap top. We spent an emotional day saying good-bye to lots of friends and church and then traveling to our neighbors houses to say more good-byes. We finished loading the last bit of our stuff and were out by 5 so the buyers could do a final walk-thru before closing Monday morning...
We stood in our empty dining room and had a last family prayer circle in our first home... thanking God for the many, MANY blessings and voicing our trust in HIM for the changes to come.

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