Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Cookout

Marc's bank tries to have a fall cook-out each year for the employees. This year it was at his bosses new house in Ottawa. We had great weather, lots of good food, and many fun activities to keep our kids entertained! The weather was perfect for a fall boat ride. Our kids loved it (and so did we since we didn't get to boat at all this summer!)

The kids each got to decorate their own little pumpkin with paint and an assortment of craft supplies. Kinnick really wanted his pumpkin to have a "mohawk" so I did my best!
Little miss independent had a blast doing her own.
Miss. Mary helped Macey make a pumpkin with pigtails.

The kids got to do lots of little games and one some M&M's for prizes.
They also participated in a hula-hoop contest. (They did not win.)

And the favorite... a bouncy house! They did plenty of jumping throughout the afternoon and evening.

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