Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kinnick--2 & 1/2 Years

Kinnick still LOVES to read... probably his most favorite activity. He loves I-Spy books and his Bible. He has been enjoying learning how to hit balls off a tee and how to throw and use his glove to catch. He also LOVES music--he listens to cd's in the car and at rest and randomly starts singing songs from them. I love hearing him sing, "Row Your Boat", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Wheels on the Bus", "Jesus Loves Me", "Take Me Out to the Ballgame", and many others. He can sing his ABC's and recognizes about 5 letters. He can count to 20 (most of the time) and knows all his shapes & colors. He has also started memorizing verses with Sadie. We're trying to work on writing and coloring, but these are not his favorite activities. As of recently he is potty-trained (more on this later!)

My Favorite Things... rocking my little boy when he wakes up from nap, seeing his smile when he accomplishes something, having his help ALL the time in the kitchen, watching him try to make a "grouchy" face (see below) and start giggling, listening to him at nap/bed time playing/singing by himself, watching him run, listening to his little voice ask "What's that mean?", seeing him imitate his daddy...
He can also be quite the little sassy pants! The following are some of the quotes he's given me when asked to do something:

  • "I'm too busy."

  • "Mommy, I want you to do it for me."

  • "I can't! I have to finish fixing the door first."

  • "I have to finish typing Sadie's e-mail first."

  • "I don't want to do that job, please."

He's ALL boy! If it's tall, he'll climb it. If it's a ball, he'll throw or kick it. If it's another little boy, he'll try to wrestle or fight. If it's long and straight, it will become a sword. If it's dirt, it will be somewhere on his face, clothing, or body. Have I mentioned I LOVE my little boy?!?!


Tim and Liz Casey said...

I still can't believe our kiddie are 2 1/2!!! I can't wait for Kinnick and Hannah to play this summer!

Stephanie said...

He is such a handsome little guy!