Here's a glimpse of "Life at the Gorsch house" at this moment in time...
Sadie loves the roll of "Big Sister"! She constantly wants to hold Macey, play with Macey, lay with Macey, change her diaper, get her dressed, even feed her! We've already had to have some serious discussions about carrying Macey around (Sadie got her out of her swing and carried her to the couch) and giving her medicine (Sadie tried to give Macey some gas drops that she found on our bedroom dresser). We've also had some funny comments by big sis:
- The day we brought Macey home from the hospital, we had this conversation: S: "Mom & Dad, are you going to the store?" Me: "No, not right now. S: "Oh. Does Macey need to wear diapers?" Me: "Yes." S: "Oh. Is she just gonna borrow some from Kinnick until you go to the store?" Good thing we have Sadie to think of everything we forget!
- After helping me change Macey the first time, Sadie inquired about her umbilical cord. I told her what it was called and explained why babies have them. A few hours later she asked "Mom, can we check if Macey's credit card fell off yet?"
- And my favorite... The day we brought Macey home, Sadie wanted to put Kinnick to bed with me. She loves to help sing him his song. When we were done, we came out of his room and she said to me "Mom, Kinnick is my special boy and Macey is my special girl." I just love my sweet Sadie!
The day that Macey was born the kids came to visit us at the hospital. The following day we went home and they joined us that evening. Unfortunately, both of these days Kinnick was not feeling well and was very crabby. My poor baby was stuffed up and just wanted Daddy and Mommy. By Wednesday he was feeling better and starting to become more interested in this new little person in our house.
Some of his favorite things to do:
- He loves to just watch her. Granted, he usually tries to touch her. He seems pretty fascinated.
- He always wanted to grab her paci. He has actually done very well not putting them in his mouth, but he always wants to put them into Macey's mouth and he doesn't have the most gentle touch.
- He loves to give her kisses and "snuggle" her. He lays his head down on top of her head and rubs it back and forth. He sits up looking at me with the cutest little grin you've ever seen!
- Unfortunately, he also likes to hit her. Sometimes he hits with his hand, other times he hits with toys or books. I have to watch him very carefully... Needless to say, he's had a few time-outs because of this!
Macey is doing very well. She's surviving big brother and sister. She's sleeping and eating well. We went to the office today to check her weight and she's gained 4 oz. since Monday (she's back up to 7 lbs. 14 oz.) I'm sure that she will be a tough little girl. I can't wait to see her first smiles and watch her little personality emerge...
I need to include my favorite quote of Marc's also... On Monday, he took off work and we went to visit the bank and get Macey's 1-week pictures taken. As we were getting ready to leave, Macey pooped in her picture outfit, Kinnick dumped the dog's water all over the floor and himself, and Sadie peed on the bathroom floor (while sitting on the toilet!) This all happened in a matter of about 5 minutes. He looked at me and said "Our kids are fired."