Saturday, June 14, 2008

Meal-Time Messes

Sadie is really getting the hang of using her fork and spoon to feed herself--she's so much fun to watch! This week, Sadie discovered cereal with milk on it--she LOVES it! Anytime I give her a choice for her breakfast, she always picks cereal and carries the box to the fridge so we can get her milk!

Here are a few of my favorite eating pics:

First taste of cereal: 6 months
Enjoying some "mixed veggies": 9 months
Her favorite food of all--Banana!
This is one of my favorite messes! She was having some fruit salad for dessert. Her dad was sitting with her while I cleaned up. He yelled for me to come see what she was doing--she thought she was hilarious!
Enjoying some yogurt...
Praying before her meal.
Her new favorite breakfast--cereal with milk!


Jenn said...

Grace loves cereal too (and it HAS to have milk!). Sadie is getting to be so big!

Stephanie said...

Love the fruit salad picture... Josh will die :)