Sunday, October 18, 2015

Troy Baseball-Spring '15

April-June:  Kinnick played baseball for the first time this spring.  I was proud of Marc for helping coach his team.  He had such a great group to play with.  He was in the Shetland league which is the youngest league (4-6 year olds)  They play one hour games.  Coaches pitch and the boys get to bat until they get a hit (they hit off a tee if needed).  It is a teaching league and they do not keep score.  All the boys get equal playing time and they rotate to try all positions.  We had fun watching his games...
First Game


Carver really thought he was on the team!

Game Ball!

The boys came up with their name!  Coach Brandt had this banner made and hung it up for all the boys' games.

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