Tuesday, October 30, 2012

MOPS Steering Team

When we made our move away from Streator last year, I knew no-one.  I knew the first thing I wanted to do was join a MOPS group (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers).  I knew I would meet other moms... I didn't know I would make so many amazing friends!  

I won't lie, I was super intimidated to walk into the first meeting.  I was going into a room of almost 40 women and aside from one sweet girl I had just met at church, I knew NO-ONE.  The first few meetings were stressful because I had to work really hard to put myself out there.  Eventually I become more comfortable and started making some very meaningful connections.  I knew by spring that I wanted to be a part of the leadership team for the following year.  I signed up to do "Moppets" with one of my good friends, Erika.  She had one year under her belt doing Moppets and had pulled me in to help as the year went on.  I knew it was something I would enjoy because I could use my teaching background... I didn't know how much work it would turn it out to be!

We ended up with the biggest steering team that MOPS had ever had (13 of us total including our "mentor mom").  God was totally preparing us because we ended up with our biggest MOPS group ever!  Our group this year has the most first time moms ever as well as the most total members ever!  We're still growing but as of now we have 62 moms.  This is fantastic BUT, that many moms means LOTS of kids... over 100 to be exact.  

My job as Moppets coordinator (I have 2 partners) is to organize volunteers for all of the classrooms (Kelly does this part) and plan a lesson, craft, & snack for the classrooms with kids ages 2 & up (Erika and I work together on this).  It's been a challenge planning crafts for 65 toddlers twice a month but I have a big budget and lots of help.  We're learning about the fruits of the Spirit this year and I'm having a great time planning lessons for these kiddos.  Being on steering team has helped me feel even more connected, help me target and reach out to new moms in our group, and helped build new friendships and deepen existing ones.  I love these ladies and I am so thankful to get to do life with them... we definitely get what it's like to be a mommy to a little one (or several little ones!)
Steering Team--1st Meeting of this Year

Steering Team--Summer Retreat

Moms Night Out--B.D.'s Mongolian Grill

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That's so cool! I wish we had a group like this around here!