Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Best Buds

Wowzers!  I can't believe it's been a whole month since I've posted... We've been having LOTS of Fall Fun--don't worry pictures are coming!  

One thing I've enjoyed about Sadie being in school is how well Kinnick and Macey play together.  The 3 kids do well together, but there's generally more tension and fights.  While Sadie is gone, these two can literally play for HOURS.  Yes they make messes, but hey, I'm able to get things done that need done.
 I love how imaginative they are together.  It doesn't matter where they're playing, what they're playing with... they're making up some good stories.  (This trait can partly be attributed to big sister because she's SO good at it!)
 Another thing I love is how fiercely protective they are of each other... sometimes too much.  We play lots with other kids but I often still find them inseparable.  They are always looking out for one another.  We do lots of crafts, baking, and games.  But I really love knowing I can tell them to "go play" together and they will.
 We miss Sadie while she's in school, but we try to make the most of our time.  We also try to save special things to do on her days off and after school.  I'm glad these two get one more year together at home.  I'm also glad they're only a year apart in school.  I think Macey will be lost when Kinnick starts kindergarten.  I hope that their relationship always stays this tight.

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