Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Sadie took swimming lessons during the month of June at our local YMCA. Marc was excited for Sadie to have this opportunity because he remembers taking swim lessons at the Y when he was little. She had lessons on Monday & Wednesday afternoons for 5 weeks. Macey and Kinnick loved going to watch her and play in the gym. My plan (all along) was to live the kids with a sitter on her last day so I could get some pictures/video of her lessons... however--the day before her last lesson was the day that my camera broke! I was "cameraless" but enjoyed watching her none-the-less!

Before Sadie took lessons, she had been wanting to jump off the diving board like her friend Mikenna. I had been making her practice more off the side first. You can imagine her excitement at the end of her first lesson when they asked if anyone wanted to go off the diving board. Only two kids did--Sadie was one of them. She went twice! At the end of each lesson they would give the kids the option to jump off the side in the deep-end or try the diving board. Sadie did the diving board every time. I loved watching them jump off the diving board--all the kid would be lined up sitting on the side. Anytime someone jumped they would all squeal and start clapping--it was adorable!

Sadie's favorite skills to practice were floating on her back and kicking across the pool on her back. They would hold onto a kick board to do this (no floaties). They practiced most of their skills with a float belt. They start each child with 3 "floatie cubes". Sadie moved to 2 after her first lesson and then moved to one cube by the last few lessons.

Sadie was sad for her lessons to end--she loved going. I'm glad she had the opportunity--I can see her becoming more & more confident in the water.


Bethany said...

I loved taking lessons from the Y!!! I took them from the time I was Sadies age until highschool, then I had to take them in highschool. She will remember all she learns and will love the pool more and more each time!! I still love to swim and I really think it was because of that!!

Stephanie said...

sounds fun!!!