Friday, July 8, 2011

Girl's Day

A few weeks ago, Ms. Jennifer took Kinnick for the day. Sadie was bummed that she didn't get to go until I told her we would have a super-fun girl's day. She was able to get on board with that idea... Because she is my child, she of course wanted to make a list of all the fun things we should do (who doesn't make a list to have fun?) Anyway--here are some of the things we did: Baking pop-tarts in our hand-me-down easy bake oven...

Heart-shaped pb&j for lunch...

Girl's movie day with popcorn (and of course some candy!)... we watched Enchanted.

A girl's bath for Sadie & Macey...

Some princess card games...

We ended the night with a storm and no electricity. After the storm passed we were able to go outside and enjoy a beautiful rainbow.

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