Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I've Been Reading Lately...

Love, Love, LOVED this book! Everyone needs to add it to their list as a "must-read" (in my opinion!) It's based on the true story of a little boy's trip to Heaven. Several months after the event took place little Colton (just 4 years old) began to amaze his parents with details about Heaven and Jesus, and other people he met in Heaven. The book is written by his dad and I promise you will not be able to put it down! I read it in less than 24 hours... Read this book and share it with your friends--I guarantee it will change the way you think about Heaven! (Thanks to both my sister-in-laws, Steph & Cori, for recommending this book to me!)

This was a great book that encompassed many different areas of being a mom. It is filled with practical advice to help make your home a place that meets ALL the needs of your family (aka--home as a trauma unit, a rest stop, a church, a school, a museum, and many more!) Jill Savage is always full of great advice and helpful encouragement to moms.

Dr. Leman writes in a "tell-it-like-it-is" style that will have you smiling and laughing often as you keep turning pages. This candid book does exactly what the title suggests--tells you things your husband wants you to know but doesn't always say. As I read this book I found myself having lots of meaningful conversations with Marc--I learned as much from these as I did from the book itself. This is an insightful book for wives.

Another practical, down-to-Earth book written by a mom for moms. Dagnan was a full-time teacher who left her job to stay home with her young children (I could relate!) She gives lots of advice for making the transition from working to staying home. My favorite chapter: "Taming the Type A Personality"--very encouraging for me. My favorite quote from this book: "Every day, each situation, regardless of how ordinary, how broken, how daily, is a blank canvas; an opportunity for imprinting a memory, a lesson, a value on impressionable little minds. Open each day like a present, knowing it may become anything you want." This book really helped me look for JOY in each and every day... no matter how many tantrums, spills, whines, or messes!

So I started and ended on a "theme"! This is another book based on a try story of a man's journey to Heaven. Don Piper was pronounced dead--he remained dead for an hour and half in the aftermath of a disastrous wreck. During this time he experienced 90 Minutes in Heaven. This inspiring book tells the story of his long & painful journey to recovery. God continues to use this pastor's story to share the hope of Heaven with others. (Once again, thanks to my sister-in-law Steph for loaning me this book!)

PS--I'm looking for some good fiction reading--let me know if you have any suggestions!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I loved "Heaven is for Real", too. I couldn't put it down! Have you read "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers, if not, it's another one that is hard to put down! Hope you are doing well!