Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bunny Money

My kids love Max & Ruby. On our last trip to the library, they checked out as many Max & Ruby books (and other Rosemary Wells books) as they could find! This book was one of them. In the back of the book, there is "bunny money" with a note from Max and Ruby about how to copy, color, cut out the money and shop. Sadie thought this was an excellent idea! She sent the book to work with her dad to copy the money for her. The next day she and I spent over an hour coloring, cutting, & pasting money to play with. The day after that we set up "bunny store"...

Sadie & Kinnick with their bunny money...

I've been saving some grocery items for Sadie to play store with. We got those out and Sadie used garage sale stickers to mark the price on all of them (all her idea!) She had extra stickers, so she added some toys and set up the bunny store in her room.

Apparently things weren't priced high enough because Sadie bought everything in the store and had money left over! She saved all the bunny money and can't wait to play again!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Should we be concerned that one of the bags holding the items purchased with "Bunny Money" is a Victoria's Secret bag??????