Sunday, September 12, 2010

Movie Night

Now that Sadie is getting big enough to watch an entire movie (a shorter one at least!) Marc had the idea to do a family movie night. He took Sadie to the video store to rent a movie and he also took her to the theater to buy some movie theater popcorn to bring home! She was so excited. We set out bowls of all different types of candy (jr. mints, good & plenty, pb m&m's, sour straws, oreos) and let the kids pick what they wanted to feel their bowls. We all snuggled in our p.j.'s and watched the movie with our snacks (Kinnick only made it though about half...) It was so fun--I'm sure it will become a new tradition in our home.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We just did movie night this past week too. We made homemade pretzels, popcorn, & smoothies. We LOVE movie nights.