Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Macey--6 Months

6 Months is a hard milestone for me. Now, Macey is closer to her first birthday then she is to the day she was born. I really, really, REALLY want her to stay little! We are having lots of fun watching her learn new things...

Our biggest "first" this month was starting solids! In the word of Sadie "Macey is a champ at eating peas!" Peas and everything else she's tried... She loves eating her food. She sometimes screams when I don't feed her fast enough or give her enough to eat. So far she has had rice & oatmeal cereal, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, & bananas. She likes it all.

Her 6 mo. check up was last Monday (8/15) and she weighed 11 lbs. 10 oz. Our doctor was a little concerned because she wasn't on the chart for height or weight. She knew K was very small also, so she looked up his weight at 6 mo. and Macey was a pound lighter. Besides starting solids, I added in an extra nursing session (10:30 before I go to bed). This has worked very well. Macey still goes to bed as normal at 7:30 and I wake her up to eat and she goes right back to sleep. (I'll probably keep this up for about a month or so.) We were in the Dr. office yesterday for K and weighed Macey for fun--12 lbs. 9 oz.--a whole pound in 1 week! Wahoo!

Macey is also sitting up on her own. She is still a bit wobbly, but she can sit for several minutes. Sadie loves to help her practice sitting up (and was very excited to put a sticker on her baby calendar!)

A new activity that Macey loves is swinging. We walk to the park often and she enjoys the baby swings very much.

We love our little girl SO much! We are loving watching her little personality develop.

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