Monday, August 23, 2010

Bits & Pieces

Here are some various moments throughout our summer that didn't end up in another post... This is Sadie's friend, Mikenna. Her b-day is 4th of July and we've been gone the last three years, so we never get to go to her party. This year we invited her over before we left for Grand Bear to open her present and make "pinkalicious" cupcakes (Decorated the same as in the story!)
My mom gave Sadie this little pie plate that was my grandma's. Sadie was so excited to try it out. My mom sent home some pie dough after one of our visits so we made this blueberry pie! Sadie and Kinnick devoured the whole thing!

Sadie giving her baby a ride in the bijorn...
Stephane and I took the girls to the theater to see Toy Story 3. (Kinnick and Macey stayed with their favorite babysitter--Miss. Alyssa.) Sadie did get a big antsy (good thing there was only one other family in the theater. I think she was most excited about the popcorn, soda, and candy. She did tell Marc all about her favorite parts.

Doing some painting out side with BIG paper and textured paint brushes...

Being silly at lunch...

The last few times we've been to Aldi I let Sadie take her small shopping cart with us. I helped her make a list ahead of time in her little notebook. She's in charge of getting everything on her list and she gets to pick out one special treat. This has really helped making trips to the grocery store with three kids much easier! (Thanks to my sister-in-law Cori for this great idea!)

Ms. Jennifer recently got a new puppy dog--Billy. The kids have loved visiting him and getting to know him the last several weeks.
We had our first campfire of the summer a few weeks ago. We helped the kids make smores--this was Kinnick's 1st "smore experience".

My parents kept the kids for us so Marc and I could go to my 10-year reunion. Has it really been 10 years?

Streator has an old-fashioned ice cream truck this summer... Needless to say, we have had a hard time getting it to stop at our house. (It usually goes a block from us.) This time, Sadie stood on the sidewalk and waved really big and it saw her! The kids very much enjoyed their special summer time treat!

Sadie continues to have rest time every day for at least an hour. It is becoming a rare occasion that she actually falls asleep (only once or twice a week). This day I had to wake her up for an appointment and this is what I found!
Kinnick and his buddy Eddie playing in the mud puddles--boys will be boys!

Emma's 4th birthday party--the REAL sleeping beauty was there to paint fingernails and do hair. The girls had a blast (so did the boys--Emma's cousin Caden ran around all afternoon with a green pony tail pinned to his head!)

Our friend Liz and Ryan welcomed baby Clayton to their family on August 14th! We've had fun getting to know him. (This little Cubs outfit was passed down with love!)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I am always amazed how much fun you can fit in. You guys had a great summer. I have a little pie plate, that we've used to make pizza, but never pie. Maybe we will have to try that.