Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Eggs

We decorated eggs on Friday night. I decided to wait one more year before letting Kinnick help. Sadie had fun...

We were pretty simple this year. We did one egg for each member of our family. Sadie picked what color each person would be, I helped her with the letters and she decorated them.

Sadie was determined that "making Easter eggs" would result in a super yummy treat. She even asked if we could put icing and sprinkles on them. When we were finished, she peeled her pink egg and tasted it. Turns out that it wasn't quite as yummy as she thought it would it be! I asked her to make a face that showed me what the egg tasted like and this is what she did!

The next day, Aunt Kassie helped Jaren and Sadie decorate a few more eggs--they had stickers which Sadie thought was a great idea.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Cute, and stickers are a great idea :) I decided to wait one more year for dying eggs... maybe next year :)